Humanity Memorial Inc. Team
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7 M Peace Tree to be created by Humanity Memorial for 13th Park Expo
7 M Peace Tree to be created by Humanity Memorial for 13th Park Expo     

Peace Tree Honor Enduring Friendship,US Morgantown,China XuZhou

The Peace Tree And Circle of Friendship Honors the enduring friendship between the US city of Morgantown and China City of XuZhou. 7 meters tall landmark will be created and produced by Humanity Memorial Inc. Three months production time needed.13th International Eco Park Expo in XuZhou. China's Xuzhou City wins UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor for promoting urban renewal.
我们为徐州感到骄傲作为国家生态园林城市、 联合国人居奖城市, 徐州的生态环境建设近年来走在全国前列。 喜获2021年园博会举办权.
7 M Peace Tree to be created by Humanity Memorial for 13th Park Expo
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